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Our Projects.


Project 3-  The NJCCJ Partnered with the Plainfield Coalition of Hispanic Heritage, the Latino Coalition and the Plainfield Advisory Commission of Hispanic Affairs to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.  Social  and Environmental Justice groups were invited to inform the community about the issues that are impacting Plainfield and New Jersey.

September 23, 2017

In the picture:  The Environmental Justice Commmitee of  New Jersey Sierra Club: Jermaine Spence- (North Jersey- Diversity Chair) and Hughs Evan  and Green Faith Circle Organizer- Estrella Sainburg receiving their certificates for Participation in the event.

Present, but left before pictures were taken:

NOT In the picture: Howard Steinberg- Chairperson of the NJ Environmental Justice Committee.

NOT in the picture:  Junior Romero, Regional Organizer, Food and Water Watch

PROJECT 2-  lasted 4 weeks and still going.  We dropped up the Donations in Perth Amboy in September 1st (drive organized by Mayor Wilda Díaz,  Elizabeth E-port on September 30, 2017 and in the Disaster Relief Drive organized by Flor González in Plainfield on October 6, 2017.  For pictures visit:

Project 1. 6 Hours ISLES Training

The New Jersey Coalition for Climate Justice,

The Sierra Club Environmental Justice Committee/ Jermaine Spence- Lead Organizer

and Isles to bring this community program,


 If you are interested in receiving the 6 hours ISLES-Healthy Homes Lead Awareness Outreach training to detect lead in private households please contact : Jermaine C. Spence, Esq.





TIME:           10:00 AM - 4:30PM

RSVP ON OR BEFORE: JULY 14, 2017  TO 732-912-6376 OR 551-482-8058


Please read the details below,
Maria Santiago-Valentín
New Jersey Coalition for Climate Justice Founder
2017 NJ People's Climate Movement Rally Lead Organizer
Sierra Club Environmental Justice Committee Member
Climate Reality Leader - NJ

Here is a summary of the Healthy Homes project objectives and the curriculum of the Isles training which we will be providing in partnership with Isles.



The Healthy Homes Training Program Objectives

To provide Healthy Homes Training to New Jersey households, prioritizing the most vulnerable and under-served residents of the state which include:

Residents of urban or less affluent areas where homes and public buildings are less well maintained;
Children and young mothers who may not be privy to information about environmental toxins and may be exposed to lead;
Areas historically or currently known as high risk areas for toxic lead exposure including areas so identified by the department of public health, and Native American communities that are traditionally under-served with public infrastructure.

Objectives for the Course

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Understand the Federal, State, and Indian Tribe regulatory requirements for lead dust clearance testing;
Conduct a visual inspection and correctly identify visible dust, debris, and deteriorated paint;
Appropriately determine where to take dust samples and how to develop a sampling strategy.
Collect dust samples in accordance with standard acceptable procedures;
Interpret the results of a laboratory analysis for lead in dust correctly;
Apply these skills to conduct an appropriate lead dust clearance test in post-renovation and other circumstances;
Describe at least one housing condition and the health problems associated with it.
Identify one population that may be at higher risk for housing related disease and injury.
Describe steps to reduce household hazards.
Name health hazards in the home that's related to excessive moisture.
Identify sources of moisture in the home.
Describe strategies for controlling moisture in the home.
List contaminants or allergens that are frequently found in house dust and its    health effect.
Describe ways allergens or contaminants get into house dust.
Identify at least two strategies to reduce allergens or contaminates in house dust.
Name one illness or injury associated with pest infestation.
Identify one clue of pest infestation.
Identify the two strategies associated with an IPM approach.
Name two unhealthful conditions associated with poor ventilation.
List two things in a household that need ventilation.
List at least two household contaminants that can be removed by ventilation.
Describe two ways ventilation reduces air contaminant levels.
Name the three most common home injury-related causes of death.
Identify the age group at most risk for injuries and falls.
Name at least two locations to look for safety hazards in the home.
Name at least two ways to prevent home injuries.
Describe at least two ways that contaminants get into the home.
Identify at least two health effects and their associated contaminant.
Name at least one system that requires ongoing maintenance




Jermaine C. Spence, Esq.

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